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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Writing Again...

Well...after a few job changes, two new puppies, a dead car and a bucket load of lucid dreaming/meditation/madness attempts it seems that I'm writing again lol. I've got 4 new songs that I'm fiddling with. Hopefully, they should be recorded and out to CLLCT land in a bit here. "Bit" meaning well...when the snow isn't falling and I have access to my car so I can record. Actually, I really wish I could release this particular one that has...DRUMS...oh yes. That's right. drumsies. For all of my, "your stuff sounds good but would be better with drums" friends. But the track needs a better vocal and that will require access to the car/secluded spot/recording studio. So far my neighbors have yet to knife me but I'm not taking any chances.

Best Holiday Wishes to Everyone


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New EP "Roma" Released

Woohoo! Alrighty, so I just released "Roma" which is a little five song EP. It can be downloaded for free at


Thanks for listening


Sunday, March 21, 2010

"Just record MORE for me to hear!"

"Just record MORE for me to hear!"

I have to admit that I'm easily discouraged and frequently wondering why in the world I should be doing anything besides sleeping. However, every now and then its good to have someone pick you up. So, this little post is dedicated to Steven whose e-mail is inspiring me to get my rear in gear and generate some more material. Plus...He's now a Father! Congratulations Steven, I'm sure you and Jenna will both be the best of parents.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Artistic Drag

Well I’m feeling completely bipolar lately in regards to any artistic endeavor. I’ve only been putting material online for about 3 months and already I wish that I had taken everything back and gone into hiding. As if I was somehow engaged with the local scene or something haha ☺.

I’m not sure what weird exhibitionist spirit took over me in November, but it has easily subsided now at January. I think the problem is there is just too much damn stuff out there. Too much. Everyone and their dog can play an instrument, myself included. I think I’m just adding one more drop to an already oversaturated and diluted bucket.

Oh well, who cares right?
